Charting your Path to Retirement

Building for the future since 1948

Important Notices

2023 GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

The Retirement Board is committed to providing MBTA Retirement Fund members, retirees and the general public with transparency ...

Important Notice to Retirement Fund Members Regarding Changes to the Pension Agreement

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (“Authority”) and the Local 589, Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL-CIO (“Union”) entered into a ...

Direct Deposit Change Requests

For the protection of our Members, the Retirement Fund has adopted a new policy for changing direct deposit ...

MBTA Retirement Fund In-Person Office Protocols & Requirements

The MBTA Retirement Fund (the “Retirement Fund”) is committed to the health and safety of its Members, retirees, ...

New! Member Self-Service

The MBTA Retirement Fund is pleased to offer a new online platform for Active and Retired Members. Please click ...

About Us

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Retirement Fund is a private trust created in 1948 by the Metropolitan Transit Authority, the predecessor agency to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (“MBTA”) and The Boston Carmen’s Union, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 589. Our mission then, as now, is to provide retirement benefits for our members – the transit workers and other employees of the MBTA. To ensure that the pensions earned by active and retired members, and their beneficiaries, remain secure, we are dedicated to managing a strong and diversified investment program.